This is quite a
project. I propose to return the porch on the south side of the building
to a porch again, but this time maybe with floor to ceiling sliding
doors or glass so it looked like the open porch it was in
Civil War days. The wall would be reestablished that therefor gives
support to the second floor and more floor to ceiling insulated glass
or just windows installed.
A small couch might
go on the side towards the living room and another on or chairs on the
outside porch. The heating units would be taken out of that area. Therefor
the porch gives extra insulation so that less heating is
needed in the living room area. I doubt that I would use
this area for much more than record keeping and bookcases. It would
be pretty much a den for me.
The door to the
left going into the chapel/Elizabeths bedroom and the door into
Dads side of the house would be patio doors or some sort of weatherproofed
thermo-pained item so that heat is retained in the area. It is my desire
NOT to heat areas that are not being used for living quarters. This
is because this area is usually about 10 degrees cooler (or more) than
most places around us.
A pocket
or sliding door would also close off the bathroom and also the kitchen.
If the kitchen pocket or sliding door was thermal insulated
then there would be less heat used when not living in those spaces.
This area will also
need to be re-wired.