Now we see the Kitchen
area that also served my Aunt and Uncle as a main Dining area and entertainment
area. Many times we played cards on that dining room table and then
had cookies and ginger ale and ice cream. Oh what fond memories I have
of those days.
But the reality
is that I might have to live at first in mostly this room, hence I am
suggesting something as both old and new.
My Aunt Elizabeth
had the sideboard over between the entry to the living room and the
cellar stairs. I would return it to that position and place a Micro-Wave
and a TV on it. Fine serving dishes would again be housed there. I would
maybe put a shelf or something on the bottom area so that a box stained
similar to the sideboard might contain other items in it to use the
space well.
The dining room
table would have two of its leaves folded down and placed in more or
less the middle of the kitchen. Hence it would also serve as an island
work station at that point. Where the dining room table was a futon
would go so that I could live in that room in the winter, if need be.
A folding rocking chair I bought would also be next to the broom closet
and unfolded when company came. That way the rocking chair and a few
of the dining room chairs could form a circle for prayer, etc.
Where the sideboard
had been we would place the freezer and the Refrigerator. On the counter
area by the Gas Stove would go a small microwave, as I cook a great
deal with it. That would allow for two outlets dedicated to the two
microwaves, two for the side-by-side freezer and the refrigerator (might
need replace one or both of these), and the ceiling lights and at least
three more dedicated outlets and the side outlets. That is about 10
circuit breakers for this room alone. But I really believe that since
we are remodeling, do it right.
Also all the flooring
here and on both porches need to be taken up and everything raised about
6 inches or more and a new floor put in.