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The Graphic Arts Technology
Dept. offers a curriculum designed to prepare students for the many and varied careers available in the commercial printing and advertising business. The courses are devoted to functional discussions crossing most branches of the printing industry. It is the objective of the
department to relate the many branches of the industry to each other and to the totality of contemporary printing. Rochester Institute of Technology, as well as other institutions offering Graphic Arts specialty courses, have indicated that they will accept credits from this program toward an advanced degree in Printing and Publishing.

The program offers two options wherein the student may concentrate in two major areas within the printing industry. Options in Commercial Art or Digital Arts Technology allow the student to specialize in that area where his or her talents are most satisfied. A certificate program is also offered in both options.

Welcome to the Department Progrrams Web Site for
Graphic Arts Technologies

Associate Degree Programs
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Certificate Programs
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button to go to the STCC description of the Graphic Arts Technology certificate program

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Minimum Grade Requirement: The minimum passing grade for any individual course in this program shall be a “D” (60%). The minimum average for graduation from the program is a “C” (73%).

Vision Statement

Department Personnel

Name Title Office Ext
Raymond Fontaine Dept. Chair of Graphic Arts Tech 14/106 4315
Cheryl Lukas Professor 14/304 4307
Patricia Marrow Technical Assistant II 14/103 4374
Philip Ruderman Assistant Professor 14/101 4324
Charles White Instructor 14/104 4312