Knight Homestead Heating (hot water) as it is Now (Nov. 2002)
East Side First Floor (Harold's Side) “The Little Red House”

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To the right is the plan of the current Hot-Water heating (that has burst pipes in multiple areas) and has not been used in over 10 years.

There is much plumbing work to be done as the waer pipes burst and so also have the furnace heating pipes.

You can see the heating (hot water) elements in a light orange line. The places where thee is no heating elements are not noted as there is little heat produced by them.

As you cn see, some of the heating went into the kitchen and then over to the western poarch area. Often pipes would freeze there and so I think when this is re-done the heating will not go there if it is hot water.

It is my opinion that the furnace will need to be replaced as it was put in over 30 years ago and about 15 years ago it had failed. Parts of it were used to try and repair the furnace in the other side of the house when Charlie was taking care of his father.

It seems the replacement furnace should be a combination hot water and hot air, and that would take care of most of the needs a person or two might have.

The Dryer and would go in another location in the same room it is in, and the washing machine would go on the east poarch, near the furnace. Freezer and Refridgerator would go into the kitchen, hence not much need for heat in that room any more.