

Many are the Activities that the people of St. George's particpate in
This is only a small of some at a recent lenten period.
Wednesdays 6:30pm
    Prayers for Peace
Thursdays Noon
"What's so Amazing About Grace?" video bring sandwich.
Thursdays 6pm
"What's so Amazing About Grace?" supper provided
Fridays 7pm
Stations of the Cross / El Via Crucis
Palm Sunday
After Service at 10am
covered dish lunch and Parish Meeting
with Coach Royster Hegepeth "looking at our Future".
Holy Week
Tues. Apr. 15, 7:00pm
Worship for Holy Week
Wed., Apr. 16, 6 :30pm
Prayers for Peace
Maunday Thursday
Thurs., Apr. 17, 6:00pm
Maunday Thursday Supper and Eucharist in Parish Hall
Good Friday
Fri., Apr.18, at Noon
Good Friday Liturgy (English)
Good Friday
Fri., Apr 18, 7:00pm
Good Friday Liturgy (bilingue)
Great Vigil
Sat., Apr. 20, 7:00pm
The Great Vigil of Easter (bilingue)
Easter Sunday
8:00am and 10:00am
Easter Day Celebratory Worship
Easter Misa en Espanol
Epiphany Three Kings Day   Latino Congregacion celebrates
the Magi’s adoration of Christ
Advent Wreaths


An image of our wreath making, Advent of 2001
And at other times
Summer Church Picnic   Click here for some images of that good time in which the members of all our congregations gathered over good food and fellowship.

Rector’s Remarks

Italicized links refer to a previous church website design
but the pages are left here for your information
just click on the image of St. George or the "home" button to
go back to our first page on this newer design of our website.


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seal of the Episcopal Church and a link to the Diocese of Western Massachusetts, of which we are a part.
St. George Episcopal Church
20 Franklin Street, Lee MA 01238
(413) 243-0272
