We were proud to host the New England Regional Leadership
of Phi Theta Kappa Chapters on October 18th & 19th,
2003. This regional event took place on the 7th floor
of Scibelli Hall, with workshops being held at various rooms
and areas throughout the building. Members of Phi Theta
Kappa international honor society chapters from all over
New England came to Springfield Technical Community College
for thier Fall Regional Leadership Conference.
We hosted a region-wide picnic at Forest Park in Springfield
in the summer of 2002. At that meeting people came from
Main to near New York City.
For more information contact our Advisors,
Dr. Gregory James , Dean of Students or Ms.
Shelby Hall-Gibbons , Counseling Department. Also you
could e-mail our Chapter President, Ms.
Laurie Littlefield .
If you recieved an invitation to join Phi Theta Kappa, just
contact one of these people and ask us more about this fantastic
honor society.
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