Charles E. Knight
32 Byers St., Studio # 407, Springfield, MA 01105
Telephone (413) 732-7077

Social Security Number : 025-36-7128
Work Telephone [messages]. 734-5437

It is my desire to use the considerable Graphic Design, Desktop Publishing, and Web Design skills I have acquired in the Print and/or Web publication fields. I would like to learn even more about coding languages such as Java and Perl and scripting languages (like JavaScript) and use that knowledge to further company goals.
Although my approach is that of a "team" member, I enjoy finding solutions for problems and initiating new directions as an "idea man" and working independently. I am adept at using Dreamweaver, FrontPage and Homesite and MS and DreamWeaver UltraDev Web development editors.

Computer Skills
Competent in both Macintosh, MS Windows, and UNIX (BSD) operating systems
Software Competencies
 - Adobe PageMaker, Quark XPress, Claris and Apple and MS "Works", Corel Draw
 - Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photo Deluxe
 - Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access & Outlook Express) and Microsoft Front Page
 - Macromedia's (Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver Ultra-Dev, Fireworks, Flash, Freehand, Home-Site) and others.
Programming Competencies
 - Working knowledge of C, Perl and JavaScript.
 - Working knowsledge of HTML, XHTML and XML, as well as SQL

Education      My STCC Unofficial Transcript Page  
Springfield Technical Community College Springfield, MA Cert. Desktop Publishing 6/1999
Massachusetts Career Development Institute           Springfield, MA         Cert.             Offset Printing Technologies                      5/1995
Berkshire Community College Pittsfield, MA A.S. Environmental Studies 6/1972
Berkshire Community College Pittsfield, MA A.S. Selective Liberal Studies 6/1970
Famous Artists Schools Westport, CT Cert. Commercial Art 5/1965
Mt. Everett Regional High School Sheffield, MA Diploma General Studies 6/1962
Phi Theta Kappa Washington 2000 Intern (one of 20 selected nationwide) 2000
Nominated for the All USA Academic Team (Phi Theta Kappa) as top percentile of my college 2000
Listed in Who's Who in American Junior Colleges, also National Dean's List 2000
College Board Talent Roster of Outstanding Transfer Students 1999
Part Time Stock Clerk, STCC College Bookstore
---Received, Shipped, displayed books and assisted with customer service

2000 -

Washington, DC PTK Intern at the Dept. of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging
---Used Microsoft Front Page 2000, Adobe Photoshop and HTML and JavaScript to design Web Pages                               

6/2000 -

Work/Study at Springfield Technical Community College
---Maintained Computer Lab, Prepared Photographic Lab, Research, Scanned Images & wrote
10/1998 - 8/2000
Staff Assistant, Simmons College - Graduate Dept. Nutrition program.
---Produced flyers, mailing pieces, news releases, and other documents as well as secretarial work

9/1996 -

Public Relations-Materials Production, New Boston Congregational Church
---Used various tools to produce flyers, mailing pieces, news releases, and other documents
6/1979 - 6/1996
Macintosh Productionist, Infobase Corp.
---Used Photoshop to colorize scanned images and Quark XPress to imposition textbook materials

6/1995 -

Graphic Design, Advertising and Promotion, Barrington Fair Association
--- Created paste-ups for Premium Books, Advertising Pieces and in-house items
3/1990 - 8/1991
Primary Care Giver, Mother, Uncle and then Father
---Many odd jobs in helping folks live as "normally" as possible
8/1960 - 3/1993
upon request
These are i nstructors I have had or people that know of my Web Skills, Ray Fontaine at , David Fitzgerald at , Linda Meccouri at , Scott StOnge at and Tom Powers at As well as Saadia Greenburg (my PTK intern site supervisor at the Administration on Aging in Washington, DC) at his web-based e-mail comments link at Mr. Greenburg used the navigationals I designed for the website that was set up to help people take care of family members at home and is viewed at . Most recently I have also designed a  church website.
This link is to a website, that was created using Microsoft Word, for a course I took in Internet Fundamentals .