This is the web page to be created
for PROG-322 at
Springfield Technical Community College's
School of Continuing Education

By "clicking" on the underlined items on this page you will be taken to a page that features these items on the internet.  This is just a small page to say how much I appreciate this college.

An image of Dr. Scibellie, College President, with a link to a message from him.

President Andrew Scibelli 8
Placing the "mouse" over the image of Dr. Scibelli and "clicking" will bring you to a page giving a welcome message to you.  Do see what he has to say.






e-mail Address

Andrew Scibelli , President STCC Administration 16/229 755-4000

Charlie Knight, this page's web productionist,
and the author of navigationals in 2000 for
a page created to help people that are taking care of folks at home
sponsored by the Administration on Aging, where I was a
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society Intern