March 17,
Monday, AD 2003 Saint Patrick's Day
have been so tired all week and had so many Narcotleptic Episodes.
I have checked out things and it looks like the airplane is just
plain out of the question
and the bus ride would be altogether to difficult as I have arthritic
troubles sitting to long. I checked saturday night and the train
is about $275 round trip and I need to get the money by March
18th to hold that rate. I think that is what I will need to do.
If the doctor will not let me go there is only a $30 cancellation
fee. That leaves the $250 convention fee. I plan on leaveing about
a day or so early, maybe Friday night so I can get back in time
for my classes. It is a three day ride, almost 4 in both directions.
But, as I said, I can not physically chance the airl travel.
I hope to
help in getting some things out of the rectory. So sad having
Peter leave. He said in church yesterday that he had relatives
that were ill in Oregon and he is going to be with them. I hope
he can secure employment there also.
I will start a new page soon, this might be the last entry on
this page.
March 10,
Monday, AD 2003 Orthodox lent begins today
have been so tired all weekend long I rested and could only get
to doing a bit of study Sunday and this morning. I am quite scared
as i don't seem to be able to do much of anything I want to do.
I tell your our Rector, Peter Fritch resigned and his last sunday
is next Sunday? I have had one
bomb after another.
March 5, Wednesday,
AD 2003 To Tired for much of anything.
it psychsomatic or whaty? I am so tied today. I got home and then
went to bed and just barely got up to go to the Cathedral for
Ash Wednesday services. I missed the lodge meeting, could just
barely get back to bed. I am so worne out, the arms tingle and
I just can't lift or carrr things or walk fast. I hate being so
washed up.
March 4th,
Tuesday, AD 2003 Surprise-and a Life Change
went to the doctor today, concerned about a sore on my head and
that trouble thinking that I has spoken about before (Feb 27).
She found no problems with the sore but was concerend about some
of my answers to questions. An electro cardiogram was ordered
and they will soon tell me of other tests. They think I had a
heart-attack. Yesterday the Advisors for my Phi Theta Kappa chapter
talked to me after our meeting and noted that they had not received
notice that I had wanted to go to the Internatioanal Convention
and hence I was NOT included in the grant money and would have
to find funding by myself, or just not go and get the report from
those chapter members that they are sending. Two shockes in one
day. I was at the lodge meeting (Sprinfield # 235, IOOF) monday
night and got the information and signatures so I can jooin Amity
Lodge # 172 as an associate member.
Convention in Maine !
I got to the bus station just in time, the local bus just
never came along so I walked. I got to Boston by 3:55pm
and then caught the bus to Portland Maine at 4pm, with many
an interesting conversation to Boston with a lady that looks
like someone I have seen, whether in peson onr on TV escapes
me. The bus arrived in Potland Maine at about 6pm and I
started the walk up to find State Street. I checkd at a
church and was told of the Prebble Street Resource Center
and there I was directed to the Oxford Street Shelter. The
man said I could have a bed and I could check back in at
10pm, it would be ok. So after securing lodging I went up
to main street and since it was so late I caught a taxi
to the college som 4 miles away, it cost $10.50 for that
A wonderful
program awaited us and a dynamic professor that was called
in at the last moment to speak about nutrition. She was
great, I would love to see her again. Maybe she should "go
on the road" as she was so good. After a fun event
involving "junk food" we all left for our lodgings
and I was blessed to be able to take the left-over sandwiches
to the shelter. The chapter advisor brought me and picked
me up the next morning.
morning and afternoon sessions were great and our executive
direcctor, Rod A. Risley, was present and gaver really insightful
observations. Our Division 1 Vice President, Shannon
Mathis, came up from North Carolian where she is a student
at South Piedmont Community Cellege 9and the prettiest of
all the Diviosn Officers) in my mind. We had great workshops,
so much to do and the great noon meal was served in a dining
hall that faced the ocean. There is a fine history
to Southern Main Technical College and the buildings are
so peaceful (at least on a Saturday) - The election of officers
were held and now we have the officeres who sent in thier
as well as a few others. The region is served
by over 8 people now and great things are planned.
I rode
home with some folks from Asnuntuck Community College in
Enfield, CT. I can't seem to get their link to work but
the people are nice and Mike Rood was the regional advisor
of the New England Region for some 10 years or more and
he is from that college. The ladies and I went shopping
at stores and I learned about the moehair books that artists
used to write their sketches in in europe and the us in
the 1800's. We ate and then came back. Just as with the
trip to New Jersey, it was icy when I was dropped off.
Lighthous |
Charlie and Diane, three of our new officers.
Ocean was at the college dining hall.
February 28,
Friday, AD 2003 Surprise-Fear-I just do not know what
night I had a strange thing happen. I went to the church for a
Photo Directory shoot and thought I might have picked up some
sort of bug from others getting their pictures taken.
Pastor Peter Fritschs wife was there taking the names and
such and she seemed so tired and worn. She was pleasent and all,
but I thought something was weighing heavily upon her heart. The
vestry meeting was last week and maybe some of the folks that
have been complaining about her husband might have said something
then. I did not know, all I know is she is a really nice lady
and has thrown herself into helping in any way she can in the
life of the church. I came home and went to bed. At about 11pm
or 1am, I am not able to say well what the time was, but I could
see at least one '1' on the digital clock acros the room. I COULD
It seemed like a hour, but I don't know how long it was. It was
accompanied by a sensation that a curtain was comming
down and I had no control over it. When I was able to get out
of bed I emailed two people at two diffrent times. I could only
function enough to get a short one or two sentence e-mail out,
then back to bed again.
I did not
go to school, but stayed in bed until about 11am. I called the
clinic and got an appointment for Tuesday, March 4th, as I was
concerned this lack of thinking had something to do with cancer
again. With folks dying of cancer on both sides of the family,
including my Uncle Harold that I took care of, well I just am
concerned. Uncle Harold had a small bit taken off his nose, that
was a begnign growth. After he fell from a ladder they found out
that a massive cancer had been in his brain. I took care of him
for a few months until he died. I am so afraid of that happening
to me. However by noon I felt better and so I am going to get
the bus to Portland Maine to the Phi Theta Kappa Regional Conference.
I must leave shortly.
February 17,
Monday, AD 2003 President's Day
I did not
go to President's Day sales, we had a storm, and I did not go
out. Did I tell you that after a Lodge meeting we went to check
on Wesley Carr as he had been taking a medicine that seemed to
interfer with his ability to function and Steve Wine and I were
concerned about him. It turned out that Wes had gotten MARRIED
that day. I pray he will be blessed, but I doubt if I would get
involved with a lady that quickly.
Anther bit
of news. I was asked to be the flag bearer representing Massachusetts
at the Phi Theta Kappa Internatioanl Convention in Anaheim California
April 3rd. I said yes, as I understand my college is putting in
a grant appllication to pay for plan fairs and lodging. Regional
might help to pay for my hotel room that night. I am so honored,
and so surprised.
February 10,
Monday, AD 2003 Surprise
wanted to talk a little more about the Honors Study day and the
people saying I should run for Phi Theta Kappa Regional Officer's
But what I will say instead is that I have really liked the people
I have found in regional events. Whether it be church, lodge,
grange, ptk, or any other grouping. It seems that the people interested
in the advancement of the that group are involved in regional
events. It is these people that seem to be able to find time for
activites and events, and still have a good life. I like the affililations
with such people.
9, Sunday, AD 2002
Honors Study Day at Bunker Hill CC !!
an event. The day started Friday with a snowstore that
closed our college, but made me stay a few hours more
than I had intended. I got a late bus at 5:15pm that got
into Boston five minutes before the bus that left Springfield
at 3:15pm. I tried to attend the Franklin Lodge, IOOF,
in Dedham. I was told to take the Communter Rail out to
Dedham Center, but that was wrong. The Conductor had me
get off one stop early. I asked a lady where I went to
get a taxi and her husband said he would take me. What
a blessed man. We got to High Street in Dedham and I had
mixed the numbers around but we stopped at the Police
Dept and they said the lodge was only 15 seconds walk
away. I bid my benefactors God-speed and then went to
the hall. It had been shoveled out but NO ONE had opened
the downstairs door, and no light was on and no lights
above. So I went back to the police station after writing
the correct contact information and got directions into
Boston. A bus ride and then a ride on the T
and a walk down Massachusetts Ave. and I was at
Woods-Mullen shelter. They then sent me out to the
Long Island Shelter (the old hospital in Quincy) where
I could sleep in warmth and even shave and shower in the
moring. It was there in the next moring that I saw a picture
of an eage on a poster with the slogan Dare to Soar:
and this
phrase under that legdon Your
attitude, almost always, determins your alitude in life.,
I searched a bit and sure enough it is a successories
item. Other pictures had things like RISK -- A ship
in the harbor is safe...But that is not what shiips were
made for and
PERSERVERE -- On the road to Success, You can be
sure of one thing, There is never a crown on the extra
I'll bet thes are successories items also. After
a fine breakfast I was on my way into town and then out
on the Orange Line to Bunker
Hill Community College. I was thre to attend the New
England Regions Phi Theta Kappa Honors Study
Day. The doors were locked when I got there so I went
back to the subway stop where it was warm or aobut a half
hour or so and then came back. By that time many had arrived,
more came and we all pitched in to decorate the meeting
area for what promised to be a great day. Jolen Joslyn,
that I had met the weekend before came up from New Jersey,
always a joy to see her, and others down from Maine. A
really great group of kappans.
keynote speaker was Candis Noke, now 26, that was told
when she was 22 that she had cancer and shortly after
that they gave up hope for her to live more than a few
weeks. She gave some urls of places that helped
her (but I guess I copied them down wrong) and she told
of how Yoga and other things helped. But the most imporant
thing to do was not to pray for health, but for
a happy life and she attempts to have a positive
view of life at all times. I, for one, and I am certain
others, fell in love with this lady and she
inspired us to find some bit of happieness
and then build on that. She is now over 6 months in remission
and says I feel my battle isnt over but I
would rather continue to fight tan be defeated--yeay
had a first breakout session and I went to
see what was the lowest attened session and join that
one. I ended up at a Breast Cancer Awarness presentation
by Proffessors Mary Lee Marra and Mary Riordan. They had
a place where you could practice a breast examination
techniques 9without getting my hand slapped) and I found
out how hard it is to detect a lump in a fiberous breast.
I learned a lot from this presentation, including that
a few years back over 400 men died each year from breast
cancer. Come on guys, encourage the lady in your life
to do regular breast exams and have a mamogram if she
is over 40. It could save her life!
ate a great meal (the Breakfast was great also), and then
I settled down to a presentation by Diane Hutchinson,
Regional PTK Officer, about Understanding the Plight
of the Elderly and Helth Care. Jolen Joslyn asked
some probing questions and we experienced what it was
like to not be able to see due to cateracts or not being
able to write or pick up things due to arthritus.
this we all gathered around and made Valentines
day cards that would be brought to children in hospitals.
people from a local health awarness center came to provide
information and answer questions. I got home on the bus
(could not find a place for evening prayer) and went right
to bed. I was so tired I could hardly get to Christ
Church Cathedral in Springfield. I was going to go
to the Cogan Computer Fair, but then realized I did not
have the money for the Lacie storage device, even though
it was given me, for now that money needed to be spent
for college and rent and such..
Lodge, IOOF
Dedham, MA
Mullen Shelter
Boston, MA
transport from there to
Long Island Shelter
Quincy, MA
Dare to Soar Poster
Theta Kappa
click on seal for
New England Region
Hill C.C.
Boston, MA
February 05,
Wednesday, AD 2003 Chrisitan Fellowship 1st Meeting.
Before I get
to this topic I wasnt to talk about Monday night. I expected Wesley
Carr to come and pick me up at the Bookstore at college to go
tot the Lodge meeting (Springfield # 235, IOOF) but he did not
show up. So I left at 7:30pm and got a but up to the lodge. I
had to "work" my way in and was happy to see Brothre
Steve Wine there, we had taken the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degrees together
at the Degree Rally Day mentioned
Well Wesely did not show up and we had been concerned as he had
been taking a medicine that seemed to interfer with his judgement
and also had him passing out a great deal. Well, after the lodge
meeting we (Steve and I) went over to where Wesley lived. It was
pretty dark, only the lights on that he leaves on when away. So
I knocked on the door and Steve said to bang harder, so I did.
Someone tapped on the window upstairs and then came down. It was
Wes, lookng a bit thin and worn out and he was irritatted that
we had knocked so loudly. We asked how he was and thoght he was
to go for tests that day. He said rather indignatly that the tests
wrere the next day. We had both tried to call and e-mail him and
we asked him what he was doing - not replying to us as we had
been worrried. He said he had been busy getting married
and at that I turned and went back to the vehicle. I don't know
if he had known the lady more than a month or so and since I considere
marriage a forever thing I just had nothing to say.
Later Wes called me Wednesday and it looks like she might be good
for him.
A single lady
that was new showed up at the Christian Fellowhsip 1st meeting
this semester. Oh what an annointed time.
We read the first verse of Psalm 23 and discussed what it meant
to us. We even translated in into something like VB Psuedo Script,
somethign like this : If you have God as your Lord and your Shepherd,
then you will NOT have to want for anything.
The next meeting I will try and remember to bring my Strongs Exhausitve
Concordinance and we can see what the word meant to folks when
it was first written. Again, this was a truely blessed time. After
she had to leave early to take a friend home I went to the Community
Forum and then to discuss today's blessed meeting with our advisor
for the STCC Christian Fellowship, Professor John
2 , Sunday, AD 2003
the weekend of Reading in New Jersey!
I was picked up at 4pm by Diane Hutchins and then we, with
another member traveled to Paramis New Jersey. We stayed
at the Ramada Inn and left early the next moring for the
Technical Building at the Bergen C.College where we read
and judged many, many, many pieces of paper until late in
the afternoon. Oh to I appreciate a professors job
when correcting what essentially is a subjective piece.
We ate and discussed things. The first picture (l to r)
you see is that of the advisors. The second is of some of
us reading and scoring submissions and the picture on the
far right is of our discussions before we left. They invited
us to a meal, but we left as some of us would not get home
until around 12 midnight. When Diane dropped me off it was
slippery and I was so glad sto see that she got in safe.
Just clickon an image below to
see it a little bit bigger. Oh was I tired. I did not get
up most of Sunday.
Advisors |
and Judging
January 26,
Sunday, AD 2003 Church.
I got to my
first churc service in 2 weeks, thanks to Wesley Carr. Do pray
for Wes, the heat and blood pressure medicines don't seem to be
doing right by him. We cooked a meal, but I am concerned about
Wesley and ask everyone to pray for him. If he is feeling better
Monday we might go to visit Amherst Lodge, IOOF.
I tired to go to visit a lady at college and pay some more on
my colleg bill but she was not there, maybe monday. I have borrowed
a book to read some of and will need to buy the text for my courses.
Today I could not find my glasses. I just do not know whee they
are. I was so "out of it" in returning at midnight,
even with Mark giving me a ride home from the TV station last
night. Maybe I did not put them where I usually do, and then maybe
I left them at the TV station. I was so tired when I got home.
It is snowing and probably a cold night
25, Saturday, AD 2003 WGBY Auction.
I really enjoyed the School of Instruction at Springfield
Lodge # 235 with Wesley and Steve
Wine. The week went OK and yet I could not speak with Dr.
Chair Lillian Beauchemin, and by Friday, the Last Add-Drop
day I had no choice but to Drop the course I wanted to take
so much in Advertising and Promotion. I really need to complete
this Web Programming Degree and put this sad chapter behind
me. So I have reenrolled in the Advanced Web Authoring course.
I also cancelled the Networks 2 and Internet Security courses,
the require texts for all of these courses would have reached
over $300 and I don't even have the money for the two courses
I will retain. The other course is a non-text sales force
management course. Friday night and Saturday were spent
in bed and then off to help with the WGBY auction. To the
right is an image of some of the Alpha Psi Sigma chapter
Phi Theta Kappa members at STCC leaving the public broadcaasting
studio at about 12 mindnight. I also put up more pictures
for St.
Georges from thier Rector in South America. Also
I got up a page about a newer baby
at that church.
January 20,
Monday, AD 2003 Martin Luther King Jr.s Birthday
celebrated today.
I could not
sleep well, nightmares, and then could not sleep. So I am writing
this and will probably sleep in the daytime. I do hope I get better
today as I really feel awful. Still blood with the stuff I cough
up or blow out. Blessings to all. Thanks for your prayers.
I Could not get to the Annual Meetings of St.
Georges in Lee MA, St.
David's in Agawam MA or Christ
Church Cathedral in Springfield MA.
As I said before, the second
weekend I did not get to church, no fun being sick on a weekend.
I hope to be well enough to attend a School of Instruction
at Springfield
Lodge # 235, IOOF, tonight. We will see by afternoon how well
I am.
I got a note
that the rent that I thought I was only 84 dollars behind on is
actually owed $344.44!!!!! Also the phone for about $177 and electricity
at the family home for aobut $77 so how can I possibly do any
college classes??? I will probably have to withdraw from everything.
The 962 hours (Maximum)
that I am allowed to work at the college is fast approaching.
So I will need to find some other type of work within a month.
Anybody that
wants to can go to this link and view my
resume. If you would like a word version so you can send my
resume to anyone, then that can be downloaded from that page at
the bottom, or via
this link, which is <
>.I am willing to move if I must, but would like to first find
a job in Springfield, MA. Thanks. Dizzy again, so I am going back
to bed. It is about 7am now.
January 19,
Sunday, AD 2003 Sick All Over AGAIN !!!
I got up this
morning, with heavy mucous and blood when I blew my nose, a pasty
stuff in my mouth and realizing that 11 hours of the trip to the
eastern part of the state, all 3 Degrees and such had taken its
toll. Members of Steve's Lodge had backed out on taking him to
the Degree Day and Wess called Ray and got permission to get Steve
there. I am so glad we went. But I guess the doctor is right.
I will probably not get to church today and tomorrow I will be
in bed ALL DAY. I still think I have sinusitis or something as
this blood when I blow my nose does not seem right. Steve will
join Wes and I at our Lodge meeting and a School of Instruction
about these degrees.
My church, Saint
Davids Episcopal Church, has its annual meeting today
and I was supposed to serve as Lay Eucharistic Minister at the
8am service. I called at 7:30am and left a message saying I would
not be able to come, I sound awful. I am now beginning to wonder
if the doctor was right and if maybe I have something else in
addition to the viral laryngitis.
18, Saturday, AD 2003 3rd
Degree Oddfellowship
I could hardly speak, coughed a lot, but Wesley Carr, Steven
Wine, and myself all met Ray Laborde and went in Ray's nice
car to Belmont Mass., where Wes, Steve, and I received our
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degrees in the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows. We are now full members and can be elected to any
office in any lodge. Ray is a Past Grand Master of the Massachusetts
Grand Lodge. Steve is a member of Amity # 172 and both Wes
and I are members of Springfield Lodge # 235. Click on the
three links, the symbol for Odd Fellowship and that will
take you to the Massachusetts Grand Lodge. Click on the
Picture and it takes you to a larger image. It is a Polaroid
so it is not very clear--my digital camera no longer works
January 17,
Friday, AD 2003 Sick AGAIN !!!
My throat
got a bit sore Wednesday and I seemed to be wanting to blow my
nose a lot. I took cold tablets upon getting home and such. On
Monday Wesley and I had gone to Springfield Lodge #235 to have
some instruction before our Degrees Saturday. Then VIMUG was Tuesday.
Wednesday night Shawn invited me to go with him to a Center for
Business and Technology informational session on the Certified
Internet Webmaster courses and certification exams which Mary
Breeder and Jim Bean put on. I really enjoyed that and was so
glad Shawn had asked me to come (he was already registered and
they were able to fit me in for the session at the last moment.)
Shawn invited me to dinner and I declined as I wanted to lay down.
But as soon as I got in and my outer clothes off and checked the
telephone messages I had an invite to Amity Lodge # 172s
officer installation so I hurried on over to the Lodge. I stopped
by and talked with Stephen Wine at Open Pantry, who was being
installed that night. He had other things to do for work so I
did not ask a ride from him. Somehow I got over there in about
half an hour. Many of the folks from Springfield #235 were in
the installing suite and I just kept MUM about my being a member.
Amity introduced me as a Prospective Member, and I will get a
letter off to them asking about Associate Membership later. Amity
is using a method that was used about 60 years ago or more and
it has people wait up to a year before being brought into the
order and then about 26 weeks between degrees. I have been on
installing suites in the Grange and wanted to see how the Lodge
would do it. I went with Wesley to his mothers memorial
night at St. Catherine of Sienna church and then a Phi Theta Kappa
event the night that the Agawam Encampment was installed. So since
I missed that installation I jumped at the opportunity to go to
this one. This might have been my undoing. It was a very beautiful
installation, even as performed in a more relaxed atmosphere.
January 15th was Tom Wildeys birthday and he is credited
as being the founder of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in
the United Sates.
Steve Wine brought me home and then he had to bring someone else
to various places before he could get home. At about 1am Wednesday
night I was having troubles. By morning I could hardly talk. I
had an appointment for the flue shot at the Mason Square Neighborhood
Clinic and so I left work for that 3pm appointment--by that time
I could hardly talk. I was told that the doctor could not see
me. They gave me the flue shot, as sick as I was, and sent me
over to the walk-in section. I waited there a few
hours and was seen. A Vaporizer was ordered, a note written and
I was told NOT to go to work. I went home and got the vaporizer
going and called Marilynn at work and said I would not be in Friday.
I am writing this Friday afternoon, I have been in bed all day.
I WILL go to the Degrees for Odd Fellowship on Saturday. I should
be washing clothes, but if I have one good shirt I will use that
and just go as I am. The Doctor reluctantly allowed me to go Saturday,
but the trade off is that I can not be out and about Sunday and
Monday (Martin Luther King day celebrated) and must stay in bed
and drink fluids. Speaking of that I will stop writing and drink
and sleep some more. I probably will not update this until Monday
night, the 20th.
One of the heaviest days at the bookstore will be Tuesday, the
21st as it is the day before college starts and the Pell Grant
financial aid moneys can not be used until that day. I just pray
I will be well enough. I had to back out of being the Lay Eucharistic
Minister at the 8am service for Sunday (our Annual Meeting day)
as I probably will not have my voice back and I do not want to
scare people thinking I would be giving them a sickness, even
if I can not pass it on at that time. Good night!
January 14,
Tuesday, AD 2003 VIMUG
Well tonight
was the meeting of the Valley Interface Macintosh Users Group.
I wanted to go home but felt, as President, that I should attend.
Shawn Dupee (The current President of the STCC Computer Club)
came along with me and stayed with me. I was going to sleep every
now and then he said. We were having some cookies and ready to
call it a night at 6:21pm when in came a person that had just
heard about us. We were there for a very productive hour and left
with the assurances that the new person would help make the Users
Group more viable. We are exploring the efficacy of establishing
OS X.2 (Jaguar) on a G-3 computer, as opposed to buying a new
G-4. He was interested in that topic also.
One of our faithful members had gone to the bookstore to talk
with me that day and as we were closing down he said he might
not be at the meeting, so it was really nice when the other fellow
(Rick) showed up. But Bob had information that Rick wanted. The
other person to report was Hal and he found himself scheduled
to be 3 places at once. It was so bitter cold that night I did
not blame anyone for staying home.
After the meeting I walked Shawn to the Bus stop and when no bus
came I walked him to the Bus Station and we made certain he could
get a bus back to West Springfield. I took a bus back and maybe
I should not have. I think I picked up something again from the
other bus riders.
January 12,
Sunday, AD 2003 Sick
About the
last hour of work on Friday a lady came in that was ill. Sure
enough both the head cashier ( I found out later) and I got what
she had. I felt ill Friday night and went back to my place instead
of going with Wesley Carr to his home for the last bit of that
Chowder. The next day I had a sore throat to beat all. I did not
even go to the Cathedral for Church. I was in bed all of Saturday,
Sunday, and did not get to work Monday, but was in bed then also.
I write this after Monday as the sickness sort of broke Monday
at about 3pm and I felt much better.
January 6,
Monday, AD 2003 Epiphany and Odd Fellowship
I got back
to work, about an hour early, and after a heavy day at work at
the college bookstore I went home to rest. Wesley Carr came by
for me at about 6:15pm and we went to Springfield Lodge # 235
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. We had a meal of Clam
Chowder, some of the best I have ever eaten, and then received
our Initiatory Degree in that Order. Now Wesley and I are members
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. We joined this Lodge
because the other Lodge (Amity # 172, formed in 1875) did not
act upon our applications for membership or give much of any response
to us that sounded like they wanted us to join. I still want to
be an Associate Member of Amity 172 as I want to help honor the
past of those that had worked in that lodge. They have few members
and Wes and I would really like to help. It was so good for me
to receive my initiatory degree on Epiphany. The Degree was really
nicely done, by the members of Springfield Lodge # 235 and at
least 3 other lodges. I went home having had a full night and
very happy about the events of the last few days.
January 5,
Sunday, AD 2003 Church and Charity
We got up
to St.
Georges Episcopal Church
for a prayer meeting before church, then I helped Andy shovel
a little bit and we came in for worship service. After that we
went to the Parish Hall instead of the Rectory as the Rector had
a guest there that had a cold. Later on the rector, Noel Bailey,
got that same cold and had it for over a week. We left after the
coffee hour and then went to Lenox and worked for
6 hours (the two of us straight) cleaning Betty's Apartment. In
about a week I will notify the Property Manager that we were in.
We missed the caroling on the front porch of the Red Lion Inn
in Stockbridge (done on the eve of Epiphany by St. Pauls
Episcopal Church) but did get back to St. Georges for the
Spanish Missa (at least the tail end of it) and were asked to
participate in their Three Kings day meal.
Three Kings Day is on Epiphany and it is the major Spanish feast
of the Christmastide. So if you go to the St.
Georges site and click on activities you can go to the
three kings day images that the Rector took with her new digital
camera. She leaves January 17th for South America for a bit where
she will learn more about leading a Spanish speaking congregation
and so there will be images and comments back from her on that
site. We then went back to bring the keys to Betty Wilber and
saw at least 9 deer cross the road at once. I was so glad to get
back and go to bed. Before that we made a way so Alice could use
her front door as egress should she want to as the back door overhang
was getting all ice and the area by the back doorsill very slippery.
January 4,
Saturday, AD 2003 Snow, Snow, Snow
Last night
my friend Alice, who is 71, shoveled at least 3 times. This morning
I got her involved in the computer until about noontime when the
snow stopped. We probably had about 16 inches of snow that fell.
Soooo before I could get the computer all shut down and my boots
on she was out shoveling again. I got out there and was about
to say to her, lets shovel only to a certain distance, then go
in and rest and come back out in an hour to do that same distance
again. That way I feel we could get the shoveling done but no
one would have a "heart attack". Well it was such a
blessing what happened next. We heard a noise and I dismissed
it as just a truck going by, but Alice looked and there was Andy
from St. Georges Episcopal Church with his neighbor. They
were using a truck he uses for work and had brought both of their
snow blowers down. In 15 min. they had the North Drive done and
in another 10-15 they had the South Drive done. They left, we
cleaned out some little area next to the mailbox and went inside
for a moment.
We thought
it over and agreed to go over to my family homestead and at least
shovel a pathway in. We did that and an area around the mail-box
there and then started back. We thought of the work we wanted
to do getting Betty Wilber's apartment ready for her to go back
into, so we went to town, saw Betty, and got the keys to the apartment.
Then it was back for some supper and sleep.
January 3,
Friday, AD 2003 Back to Work
As I told
folks at Work, I am so glad to be back. I went to see about additional
jobs and come back more disgusted than ever with patronage systems.
The new Governor said he would not be handing our patronage jobs,
and I hope he will maintain that pledge. I just saw a lot of people
wanting such jobs. I talked with a woman I had met before, but
I could not remember where, only that I had enjoyed talking with
her. That really bothered me, that I could not remember her at
all. She might have been part of a news agency from back in the
western part of the state. I left after work and got a ride up
to the Berkshires. It was snowing so badly that I could hardly
see. I went to Price Chopper up there and got some cookies and
hitched out to Monterey where I came to Alice Daviss home
where I stayed.
AD 2003 Trip to Boston, MA
Will be recap of what I did on my recent trip to Boston
Time |
Comments |
Activity |
05:00am |
and dressed, it is storming but it looks Iike I have just
enough money to go |
awakening |
06:00am |
I have gotten a small shoulder bag together
and walked in the unplowed streets |
at peter pan Bus |
08:30am |
Arrive at Boston and go to Kinkos to print
out business cards and resumes |
make cards |
08:40am |
Saw remains of Ice Sculpture outside Copley
Square. The horse rearing up on its hind legs was stunning
(by evening all this had been smashed by workers, and it was
so beautiful). |
View Sculpture |
09:00am |
Walk to the Church of the Advent |
to late for Moring Prayer |
10:00am |
Get information about senior help in home reapares
from Office of Elder Affiars |
Information |
10:30 |
Walk to St. John the Evangelist and then to
Congregational House |
Vist with Librarian |
11:00am |
Meet on steps of Capitol and visit with others
there to see Act. Gov. Swift leave office |
Visiting |
11:30am |
Use my Invitational Pass to get into the State
I am not content there, I ddi read some things in a display
case, but felt the people around me were not real, they were
all seemingly wanting something. I saw them all tring to get
a good place to view something or get something. I came to
serve. I go back outside.
Mingle inside
View some displays. |
11:40am |
Back outside with my people, don't want to
be around the false people and slimes inside |
Back to Gates |
11:45am |
Saw Jane walk down the front Steps
The front doors of the State House are opened only to have
the retiring Governor walk the "long walk" down
them as that person leaves office, for the President of
the United Sates to arrive and one other occasion (which
I have forgotten right now).
Watch departure |
12:15pm |
Check out the Books at the Lame Duck Bookstore
for I.O.O.F. books |
Lame Duck Bookstore |
12:30pm |
Continue the search for IOOF books and am referred
to Brattel Street Books |
Brattle Street Bookstore |
12:45pm |
Visit the St. Pauls Cathedra's
Bookstore and visit with attendentt there. |
Court & Cathedral Bookstore |
01:00pm |
Continue Search for IOOF bookst and visit with
people at Commonwealth Bookstore |
Commonwealth Bookstore |
01:15pm |
Got to Saint Francis House and sat awaiting
a meal. Read Jobs section of a paper |
waiting to eat |
01:30pm |
Got to eat, a nice meal of mashed potatoes,
a piece of bread, a really nice beverage that tasted a bit
like apricots a cup-cake, a really nice meatloaf (individualy
baked), and a half of a grapefruit. This is a nice treat,
fruit. It was started by a friend I knew from the Full Gospel
Businessmens Fellowship, International that was the
head of a company that brings fruits and vegitables into the
Boston seaport. He started the practice of giving to shelters
and feeding places the food that would have been tossed out
as spoiled so they could use a portion of it for the needy.
In Springfield, MA you need to be over 65 in order to get
fruit usually. |
At nice lunch |
02:00pm |
God the listing of where the meals are in the
city now from the Saint Francis House worker |
Information |
02:15pm |
Visited with people at the Emmerson College
school of Continuing Education (they have iMacs) |
Information |
02:30pm |
Went to visit with the Folks at the ABCD Community
Action group seeking information about programs to help seniors
stay at home. Learned more and got some contact information.
Also got a sheet with the Solutions at Work tel. number and
left a message there for Macy DeLong |
Informaton |
03:00pm |
Went to visit witht he folks at Impact and
sought the location of a local One Stope Carreer Center. I
had a nice visit and spoke of future Job Search activities
and left a resume |
Job Search efforts |
03:30pm |
Spoke with Folks at the housing agency for
the homeless about what I might do if I found myself without
employment and homless in Boston come next Fall or before. |
Loddging Inquiries |
03:55pm |
Went to the Work Force and signed forms, got
a card, and used thier computers to search for possible jobs
in the Springfield, area and get information on Jobs in Boston. |
Job Search efforts |
04:25pm |
Went to the JobNet One stop Career center and
signed papers. I can not get a card to use the services until
I hav gone through their particular orientation program. |
Job Search |
05:15pm |
Went to the Cathedral of Saint Paul for Evening
Prayer, but no one shoed up so I just used the prayer book
as best I could. It was nice there. A lady was practicing
for EvenSong on another day. |
Evening Prayer |
06:00pm |
Went to St. John the Evangelist and had a wonderful
meal of what was called American Choped Suey and
I call Jambree Mulligan, along with a nice salad
and a roll. There was a two quart container of milk for anyone
to drink. I had 3 glasses before the meal was over. In Springfield
you usually need to be over 65 to get milk. We had a nice
conversation with folks I had met 6 years ago when I was homeless
in Boston. I had seconds and even thirds of the macaroni and
rice dish. It was harder with the salad as I had to cut it
up in little pieces as with teeth I can not chew. |
Supper Meal |
07:00pm |
I attended an evening Eucharist at St. John
the Evangelist and tried to speak up for a man that kept falling
asleep. It was jut like Richard Rinearie and Seep Apnia and
myself with Narcolepsy. |
Evening Mass |
08:05pm |
I missed the bus by now so I took a walk around
the town and saw the Christmas Decorations I had only seen
on others doors before when I walked in this morning. Also
seeing people skating on the ice in the wading pool with music
playing, what a nice site. |
View Decorations |
08:45pm |
God to the Boston Public Library, Got information
on searching ON-Line and talked for a bit and tried to find
things about IOOF books. Was told that I would need to search
in the card catalogs for anything older than 1970's or so.
I will need to make another trip in. |
Library Information |
08:55pm |
Quick look at a fantastic desplay of the Quakers
in this Country and thier persicution during the Nazis
rule in Germany. |
View Display |
09:20pm |
Good walk through Park seeing lights and statues,
also a trip through China Town. |
Sight-seeing |
09:40pm |
God information about Train Travel and got
my bus ticket back to Springfield |
Information |
10:00pm |
took Bus Back, I did not want to go to the
Governor's Ball. |
Bus back |
12:00am |
Returned back in Springfield |
Home |
01:00am |
Finally back to my apartment and to bed. I
am tired. It is now January 3rd, 2003 |
Day ends. |
25, Wednesday, AD 2002 Christmas
have tried to serve at the Open
Pantry Holiday Meals often and after Christmas
Day Mass at Christ
Church Cathedral I arrive at the civic center at 10am.
Most of what I do is to guide the volunteers that help serve
the meals to people and help a little with clean-up. I probably
am not needed there and soon I will not be doing this.
I was greatly impressed by the Junior Marines from Westover
that came to help. An image of them is found to the right
as they head the serving line. I got back and went to bed
by 4:30pm.
24, Tuesday, AD 2002 Chrismas
I went up to the Berkshires and got things for the tree
we put up at Alices home, I also got an artifical
tree with lights and brought it down with me to work.
I got to work at 7am, so I had some time to put it up.
work I went to the bank to deposit the check from my employment,
6 times that amount is alread spent and I do not have the
money to pay for any more than 200 dollars worth of rent
and bills. Yes, I did go down to the Rescue
Mission to see about a Christmas Mean. But as I watched
the people there I realized I was not welcome by the other
participants in this event. The Rescue Mission would welcome
me with open arms, but not the others. I had thought of
caroling for them, but felt the animosity that would be
there if I did so. Hence I left, went to get my glasses
fixed, but the optician was closed. I got home to the apartment
and wondered if I was to serve at church. So I caught a
bus over to St. Davids
for Christmas Eve services including where the cretch (that
you see to the left) had been
placed at the alter. The view
from the music ministrys side of the nave is really
nice. I got a ride back and tried to go to South Congregational
Church, but thier service had just completed (it used to
be 8:30pm). Then walked down to First
Church in court square for services, then to the spanish
service at Christ Church and then the Midnight Mass there
Church Cathedral). Then home to bed at 2am.
23, Monday, AD 2002 Work
and Caroling in Lee, MA
is where you will find a report about the caroling that
is to take place in Lee, Massachusetts this evening when
I go up to be with the folks at St.
Georges Episcopal Church there. I hope I can get
down to the family homestead and get the large artifical
tree and set it up at a family freinds
home that night. I put up some decorations, but they burnt
out here and after the word on Eleanor
I just dont
feel like it.
Before I could get to Lee, a telephone call came saying
that we would not be caroling as some of the choir was sick
and they wanted folks to be able to sing for Christmas Eve.
Sooooooooooooooo I got a ride up anyway and Alice
Davis and I went caroling to a freind, Betty
Wilber, that has been in the Fairview Mannor Rest/Nursing
facility and will probably be there until after the holidays.
Alice and I went over to my family homestead and got a tree
and ornaments, then decorated it and placed it on alice's
porch with a star in the window by the road..
22, Sunday, AD 2002 No Caroling,
No Greening, Website Updated.
Well, a friend called me this morning, I had overslept, and took
me to the 8 am service at St.
Davids Episcopal Church in the Feeding Hills section
of Agawam, where I thought I was to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister.
Well I vested and someone else came in, but she was carrying the
cross so we both went up and I sat in the Lectors
chair and she in the Acolytes
chair. So I read the Scriptues and the Psalm, and th Prayers of
the People and all. When it was time for the Eucharist the rector
seved me and then gave the cup to her. I checked the bulletin
as I was sitting and low and behold she was listed as the Lay
Eucharistic Minister and I only as the Lector. So when we processed
out I took the position of the Acolyte and carried the cross and
extinguished th candles.
During the
time between the 8 am service closing and the 10am service starting
I got on the computer in the office that Kent Fernald Jr had refurbished
and made work a lot smoother. I lauched their old copy of PageMill3
and blessings of God the altered first page or index page of the
Saint Davids
church site was changed.
It uploaded the entire site, but it changed it. I continued to
try and work on thier Announcements page and the computer
or the program crashed. Kent Fernald came by after the 10am service
and checked my work. I stayed there during the Greening
of the church and all I got was a polaroid (in poor quality) of
the alter thus decorated. The point is that I was able to alter
part of the Announcement page before Christmas and maybe I will
need to travel to the church to update the website. Whatever works.
Monday the 23rd, I will go to St.
in Lee, MA
to carol with them. I am looking forward to this as I really need
some joy after hearing of Eleanors
death. I hope to also get to the family homestead and get a christmas
tree for a friend and put it up at her house. Then I need to catch
a ride back to work Tuesday Morning at the Bookstore. The College
is NOT shutting down after all and we must work all the days before
and after Christmas.
So tired,
trying to sleep. God Bless you all this last week of Advent.
21, Saturday, AD 2002 No Caroling
had expected to go to Hampen
House Rest Home with a friend, but then I got a telephone
message that he had been called away and I did not have the transportation
from him. So I got on-line to find out what bus service the the
Pioneer Valley Transit Authority had to Kendall Street. I got
started about an hour and a half early and yet only got there
about 20 min. before I was to lead som people in singing at the
rest home. Just as I was to find out about the schedual I got
the news over the TV that the Mother of my best friend in grammer
school and High School days had been found frozen to death after
a snow storm. I was devestated. This friend, Greg Corser, and
I would play together most days as my Mother had a job of doing
house work for a man whos wife had died and to help in feedinng
and such the children. I would go to her to work and would play
with Gregg as the boys she was taking care of were older. Gregg
was related to the people on the other side of the Farm House.
One side was Mr. Howard Sheldon, where my Mother worked and the
other side was Lynwood Corser, the one Greg was related to. Often
we would also spend much time at Gregs
house. We sometimes had a second breakfast as she often got dressed
for the day and ate later than we did. Also she might make something
for us after a hard hour or two making additions or changes to
the Tree House we had built. An honest to goodnes tree hous folks,
not this carpenter made stuff, just a few guys, some boards and
old saw and some hammer and nails. I just wonder why we did not
kill that tree with all the boards we drove into it.
The point
of all of this is that the woman that was like a seceond Mother
to me at many tmes is now gone. The Berkshire
Eagle had the obituary
news for Eleanor D. Corser printed on the Friday edition.
I just could not sing after hearing this. I cried and cried and
cried. Then I took the bus up to Hampden House but all I could
do would be to talk with a few residents in the Activities Room
and then when the girl-scouts came in I slipped out of the Nursing
Home while they were caroling. I then went to Saint
Episcopal Church
in Agawam and the Rector needed some help so I got to be the Lay
Eucharistic Minister that day. I would return via a ride from
my friend Wesley Carr, to lector at the 8am service. Someone gave
me a ride back home and I just cried a bit more. I did not know
how to get a hold of Greg. But by Sunday night I found the newspaper
article and it had an e-mail link to send a message to the Corser
family through the Finerty
Funeral home in Great Barrington, MA and so I did just that.
I was so saddened
that no one else came to sing carols. By Saturday night I did
not have a telephone call or e-mail and so it looked like I would
not even contact the folks at the Shriners
as it lookes like no one but me to sing. I just don't have the
energy. I keep thinking of Eleanor Corser, and Gregg, and memories
of good and bad times and I am just without some joy to put in
the carols.
19, Thursday, AD 2002 Caroling Comments
It is
soon going to be Saturday, December 21ist when I will go
caroling to Hampden
House Rest Home, and maybe to Chapin Center Nursing
Home across Kendall Street in Springfield at 1pm. I intend
to leave so that arrivale at Hampden House will be at 12:45pm,
just after lunch. Caroling will be for about 30 Min. We
might just have the residents join us as we sing carols.
Why not come and join us.
after the Greening of our churches, at about
2pm we hope to go to the Shriners
Childrens Hospital to sing. I have recieved a
contact person of Allyson R. at 735-1251 but have not contacted
her as yet because I have not heard from others.
please contact the Chirstian Fellowship advisor at STCC
(John Godfrey) or e-mail him at
tel. 755-4097 or myself (Charlie Knight) at my home e-mail
or at the bookstore (734-5437) You can leave a message for
me best at my home answering service of 732-7077.
make some people really happy, and sing for them in their
times of distress and hopefully put a little joy in folks
lives. Click
on the image of the young caroler to see the other pictures.
December 15,
Sunday, AD 2002 Advent
December 15th as they
returned and caroled for
the security Guards.
on the image
to get a larger one.
have a fuller report on the Christmas Caroling that was attempted
this Weekend that shoul be up by Thursday night. Some students
stepped forward and we did go to the Mercy
Care Center on Pine Street, The Maple
Hill Rest Home, and the St.
Lukes Home on Spring Street. We made a great number of
people happy and had enjoyment ourelves. We did make small
stop at a convience store to get someting to drink as we sung
ourselves "horas" with enthusiasium. Do contact
Charlie at 732-7077,
or our
advisor, John Godfrey,
at 755-4097 and tell us if you would like to come with us
next Sunday, Dec. 22. If we have enough people we will go
caroling. Charlie is committed to go to the Hampden
House on Kendall Street Saturday (Dec. 21) at about 12:30pm
and you are welcome to come along. More will be posted about
this by about Thursday night, after my Basic Computer Repair
Cours Final Exam, but right now I need to study for a Networks
1 exam that is monday morning. By Friday morning, the 20th
I hope to have a page with pictures from the caroling. We
can add to that page for anyone that goes out with me Saturday
or others Sunday, probably in Springfield,
MA, but we can go to wherever someone has a loved one.
IF NO ONE contacts me to go caroling by Saturday night we
just might not do it. But PLEASE foks, lets help some people.
I hate to make a commitment and not be able to fulfill it.
We had grand time today, come join us next weekend. Click
here for a picture of just
the carolers Sunday. click on the image to the left for
a larger picture. |
14, Saturday, AD 2002 Advent
have been wondering how things are a the family
home in New Marlborough and what needs to be done to
get it so I could return there and if I can fix it up. Right
now I am in a bad way looking for jobs to get the some $500
needed in tax bill money by January. On my way to College
today I went by the SouthWest gate to the Armory
and saw them working on the reapir of that gate. It is costing
aboaut a quater of a million dollars or more, but it will
allow the gate to be open at the cornner of my street and
State Street as it was years ago.
was saddened today as we had practice days in the past with
people there but when it came to go caroling at nursing
homes, only the Advisor for the Christian Fellowship group
at Springfield Technical Community College showed up to
go. II was working at the bookstore and so could not go
to the Christmas Party at my Church
(St. Davids
) but had sent a friend to take some pictures. Our advisor,
John Gofrey, said he did not want us to go out with only
two people so I had to call and cancell the time at the
Nursing Home. However next Saturday, the 21st I will go
to Hampden
House and Chamberlan Center at about 12:30-1pm and sign,
if only by myself at 1pm there. I do believe that people
are worth our time as they have it rally rough in the Nursing
We will
also attempt to go caroling Sunday the 22nd. I did get the
website up for St.
George's Episcopal Church
church up and hope to get to thier caroling Decemeber 24th.
Then I plan to get back down to Springfield on the 24th
so I can be here at the Springfield Rescue Missions
Christmas event and meal and maybe get to my
church or Christ
Church Cathedrals Midnight service. Then, on the
25 I intend to go to some sort of a worship service and
then help serve meals at the Springfield Civic Center to
about 600 needy people. I sort of help the flow of people
bring food out from the kitchen and this is an appeal for
folks to come and help us. It is a grand time that we have
and I think if you help once, you (like councelman Foley
and Representative Neal) will come back when we do this
again. The Open Pantry Community Services does this Holiday
Meal on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter to help people
that have no one and feel so despondant at this time.
on the picture above to have
a larger image of the
south west gate to the Armory.
work in undeway at a cost of
about $250,000 to put this gate back to
how it was years ago. Maybe can have it open
when the Armory has a living history of
all the soldiers and thier uniforms, etc.
from the Revelutionary War util now.
on the logo above
will take you to
the wesite for the Armory
Museum in Springfield
a national park service
8, Sunday, AD 2002 Advent
have been a bit overwhelmed with the errors in website I put up
for the family
home in New Marlborough and what needs to be done to get it
so I could return there, at least to die. And then there is work
on the STCC Graphic Arts Technologies page and we hope that gets
up by January 2003. This morning I did get up on tripod the proposed
pages (for Advent) for St.
George's Episcopal Church in Lee, MA. I was so tired I could
not go to church down here. We did have a man at Saint
David's last night that represented Richard Hooker, the theologian
for the Anglican church in the 1500's so I did get to church.
Before that I went to a program about Christmas at the Armory
in days past and many former workers talked about what they did
in times past and then we had an activity of making Christmas
Tree ornaments, as had been done here (at the Springfield Armory)
before. After getting the St. George's Advent pages up last night
and this morning, I was so very exhausted. I had wanted to experience
the weeks leading up to Christmas visiting an Orthodox church
as well. So exhausted, so tired, might not get anything done.
I was taken to the Surgeon's Friday, but he said to wait about
2 months to see about any dentures, the bone is not filling in
correctly and I have a lot of sharp spikes in my jaw. Also I need
to have the periodontal disease taken care of that manifested
itself right after the surgery when I was advised not to brush
my teeth. I had a visit from a fellow at church and will need
to get my pledge card in soon, I fell down on the job of tithing
and will soon try and report what I do get, spend, and how God
blesses me. So tired, can't seem to sit up. I need to get back
to bed and then try and get a computer to a lady that asked for
one. It is one I got from the Police Department and this lady
is handicapped and trying to study, so I will try and help her
for a bit until she can save up enough money to buy a newer computer.
It is so gray outside, looks like another storm. I also noticed
troubles in the site I put up for the house
I wanted to buy in Springfield and will try and fix them soon.
I only have about a week or less off before I need to be back
to work. I might not have the money for courses, but I do want
to be in school. Things are so depressing. Thanks for your prayers.
We hope to go Christmas Caroling after work and all next Saturday,
if God provides enough people. I think I have spent $60 on this
project already.
29, Friday, AD 2002 Post-Thanksgiving
have been a bit overwhelmed. I am getting very weak, daily. It
looks like MassHealth will not pay for dentures and I do not have
the money. I don't think I have the money for taxes in January,
but a miracle can happen. The house I wanted to buy in Springfield
has been sold to the second highest bidder and I am a bit depressed
about that. I have put up a website about the family
home in New Marlborough and what needs to be done to get it
so I could return there, at least to die. Speaking of death, my
close friend from the days at Worthington House was found dead
in his apartment/house and had been dead for at least 10-14 days.
He had just been on a fast, another good friend had said, but
would not talk with or let anyone visit him. Now he is gone. The
funeral for Bill Zimmerman is Saturday, November 30th, the last
day in this month and the last day in this church year, Dec. 1st
is Advent. This other friend (Wesley Carr) is quite sick and he
is being told to move out of where he is living. A very good friend
that was the minister at Clayton Church of God was ill and I wanted
to come up and see him. But sometimes I was just to sick and then
I had classes and work. Well I had made arrangements to visit
him by getting up to see Alice Davis and she would bring me over.
The time I was on the telephone with her making those plans, he
had died and his wife was attempting to tell Sister Alice that
Harold North had passed on. He will be cremated and I do not know
when his memorial service will be. Another good friend that had
been the Treasurer of the New Boston Congregational Church in
Sandisfield, MA when I had tired to help lead the worship services
there was put in a nursing home and I do not know if she will
be able to get back to her apartment. I had furnished many things
on loan from my Dad's house when Betty Wilbur had been kicked
out of the place she was renting and lived for weeks in a hotel
room. I want to visit with her and maybe go up with Alice Davis
and clean up her apartment so that it will be nice when she returns
there -- I am hoping she can come back to her home and her cat.
Financial Aid has been refused for me as I have to many credits
they say, and yet I am being told I need other courses in order
to be hired. I am so tired of so many things. Maybe it is Seasonal
Affective Syndrome or something else, but I just don't feel like
fighting much any more. I do not know where I will get the money
to do the four courses I am signed up for at college, but I feel
that the college work seems to give me hope. I intend to try and
do some over the Internet and some at night and only two in the
daytime. I will try and work out the daily schedule so I can be
in the Berkshires many days from Thursday night to Monday night.
That way, if I am in Springfield Monday night through Thursday
afternoon I can spend more time trying to work on the
home in New Marlborough MA. Some other things I need to get
done are web page for a department at college and two honor societies
and a club, maybe two as well as get together some caroling for
the Christian Fellowship. Also I have a page to finish for Saint
George's Episcopal Church, but I have none of the content and
it is less than 36 hours until Advent starts, when we were to
have the website up. I also am having some troubles ftping changes
to the Saint David's Episcopal Church website and the site for
the Valley Interface Macintosh Users Group. I did go down to the
Springfield Rescue Mission for a Thanksgiving Dinner, but then
turned around and came back without attempting to eat. The surgery
took out all but 6 teeth, and now they are heavily rotted also.
The surgeon must grind down my jawbone and there is some question
as to whether I can support dentures. At any rate the social workers
and welfare workers demanded that I drop my health insurance and
sign-on with Mass Health--I did so and now MassHealth has dropped
all support for dental work of the denture kind and glasses (eyes)
so it looks like I will not be able to have dentures and just
eat mush the rest of my life. I did go down to the Open Pantry
Community Services Holiday Meal and talk with folks and help to
keep the volunteer line moving. It was so nice to see so many
faces there again helping this year. Many were new and Richard
Neal, our local congressman was there helping again. I appreciate
it so much when someone of that sort of stature in life is willing
to come and get the gloves on and hand out plates of food to those
homeless, hungry and needy people. I got a left over pumpkin pie
and ate that for my Thanks-Giving. I just wonder if I could give
up on eating and just take some vitamins and save money so I can
put it into the family homestead or something. I know a tree has
fallen down on at least one building there. I want to get rid
of all but one old car that is on the property, but no titles
to do so yet, we put them in the glove compartments when a junk
yard was going to come and get them, and someone came and took
them. I was elected as Gatekeeper of Stockbridge Grange, but then
was to sick to go to installation. It is my intention to join
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows here in Springfield, MA.
I made an application to Amity Lodge # 172 and there is another
Lodge, Springfield # 235 in town also. Maybe I could be accepted
as a full member of one and an associate member of another? Also
I would like to see a Grange started up again in Springfield,
I am told there was one once. I work all day when I am not in
school and often go home and am in bed by about 4:45 or 5pm. I
am just to tired to even go down to the soup kitchen for food.
But then they don't want me to grind it up there, so what do I
do? If I can get there early in the morning I can get a breakfast
6 days a week at the Springfield Rescue Mission. However, with
the narcolepsy I just can't go out in the morning as I only have
about 2 hours to study for the whole day. I am so tired today,
I may just rest up until Bill Zimmerman's funeral tomorrow. Thanks
for your prayers. I am so sorry to wimp-out on folks, but I am
so drained I just can't seem to do much of anything. I have just
about given up hope for any sort of a solution that is not directed
from heaven. God did bless us with a good Phi Theta Kappa Regional
Leadership Conference at the college and they have held a Satellite
Seminar and worked on various other things as well as making plans
for a Dance Marathon to help children in need in the Spring. That
just about wrap's up what has happened in the last 50 days or
so since I wrote my shoes item in the column. I need to write
a story for the college newspaper Monday, just as soon as the
editor tells me what topics have already been reported on so I
do not duplicate others efforts. We have exams and if I only had
the $300 I would attempt to take the Networks+ and A+ certification
exams. I still feel I should be going around the country starting
prayer groups, regardless of what others have advised me.
October 11,
Friday, AD 2002
write this in order to say please pray for me as I am having
trouble dealing with all the nice gestures towards me.
Recently I
found myself going to the Oral surgeon again and the person that
took me wanted to have me at least stop by a shoe store on the
way back, just to try out some shoes. We went to the oral surgeon
and he said I was coming along well but felt also that I would
be very worn out and to drop myself down to one class, the one
I was strongest in so far. I don't want to do that, and I know
I must pay for the course I am not going to continue in, but maybe
it is a good idea. I have a new oral antibiotic to take, I just
can't east until over 30 min. after I use this or it will stain
the remaining 6-7 teeth. It looks like they are getting pitted
and I fear decay on them as well.
We left the
doctors early with prescriptions and so I did agree to just look
at the show store. The lady said this was a discount shoe store
anyway. While I was looking my friend talked with the sales lady.
I saw I black pair I liked, but they smelled so much of some sort
of a chemical I feared that they would not be able to take a sweaty
foot. My feet have seemed to sweat a lot in the past and it especially
bad it they can not breath, or so it seemed to me.
I had on a pair of Timberline boots and I thought
I would get another on just like them. The sales lady remarked
that us me don't seem to want to try anything more new or fashionable
than what we had before. I felt she was right, but I still wanted
them. Well they did not have it in my size, the one they had was
a little to small. My friend said we had to get a pair before
we left. She said she would pay for it and the matter was settled.
Another salesperson suggested a Dunham as it tends to be a little
wider and that did fit. So we got the boots and we left. They
put my boots in a box, but I asked for the box back. I got the
shoes and wore them comfortably to work and college and I really
appreciated the help in getting them. I was being required to
go to meet with a counselor at the Massachusetts
Rehabilitation Commission that day and so the lady agreed
to take the box with her and bring it to work the next day. The
next day, after work, I met someone that gave me some food and
I put it in that box and a bag. That also blew-me-away,
someone buying food for themselves and also for me. Probably over
$30 worth of food so I did NOT need to go to the grocery store
and I could eat well at home - even if it did take me about 30
min to chew my food before it every gets to my mouth.
Again, I am used to having people complain, but lately folks have
helped me, gotten things for me, in general I have received a
level of support never found (in my eyes) before in my life. Thank
you for praying for me as I attempt to try and deal with this.
Everyone I my immediate family is now dead. This is like having
family members I did not know of, that have now come
to help me in a time when I really do need some help. I had wanted
to marry someone at lest 5 times in my life. It is times like
these that I really wish I had someone that I could just be with
that I could bear my soul to. That is the nice thing
about a marriage - there is someone to talk with. But then that
someone could become just a stone wall, I am told.
At home, Wednesday,
after I put all the nice food away I wondered about the boots
and found out that they were called a Dunham Fits
boot by the name of WORK with a color of Wheat
Ram and a model number of 7766WH.
I searched the Internet for a bit and then found the shoe and
the Dunham ( I had a math teacher in Mt. Everett Regional High
School by that name) shoe company is a part of the New
Balance shoe company. It is a Christian
company, and gives a portion of certain shoe sales to certain
charities. Part of the sale of shoes called pink-ribbon
shoes go to breast cancer. I was positively impressed to hear
that as The American Cancer Society is the main charity to benefit
from Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society activities this
year, and a speaker will be with us at the New England Regional
Phi Theta Kappa Leadership
Conference to be held at Springfield Technical College October
18 and 19th. But then I saw the cost of the shoe. It
cost her $115+ and I doubt if I have paid more than $15-19
dollars for a pair of shoes in the past 30 years if not back when
I was in high
I ask for
your prayers as I know I have been told it is wrong to feel
this way, but I have been told by so many that I am not worth
much, and then this display of respect for me as an individual.
I am having difficulty trying to cope with this positive
actions towards me. Thanks. If I feel well enough I might try
and go down to the Springfield Rescume Mission for breakfast.
They often have eggs or oatmeal and I can probably gum
that down.
Post Script
I am writing
this Saturday morning, because I was to exhausted to write Friday
night. I had hoped to catch a ride to the Berkshires and attend
Stockbridge Grange where I would have been installed in the Office
of Gatekeeper that night. I did not catch that ride,
and by the time I had lugged all the stuff back up the 4 flights
of stairs to my apartment I was so very tired. I called Alice
Davis, the family friend I often stay with when visiting the family
homestead area in the Berkshires and told her how I felt. Later
I called the Marshal of the installing suite. I found
out that the State Grange Deputy Master that was to
have installed us as officers of Stockbridge Grange
was also ill. I asked her to tell him to get well soon and that
both he and I would reluctantly stay home. I hung up that phone
at about 5:15 pm. The next thing I knew it was 9 pm. I rolled
over and then it was 11:30 pm. Then it was about 1:00 am. I was
so tired. I then got up on the computer to right this. Now, at
about 1:45 am, I am tired again and will go back to bed. I am
so exhausted. I will spend a good deal of time in bed. Maybe I
can get well enough to try and come up Sunday Morning, but the
money is just plain not there. Saturday morning is the 12 of October,
and if I live that long, I turn 58 in 28 days. I am so disgusted
with my weakness in my body. I used to do the work of many people,
and now I am so worn out I can't seem to do the work of one person.
Thank you for your prayers.
October 06,
Sunday, AD 2002
I wanted
to write this in order to say thank you to some very nice
people that have helped me in the past.
Recently I
found myself with sever pain and soon I could hardly function
at the bookstore where I work at Springfield Technical Community
College. Maybe you remember that I have been very poor and only
had MassHealth for insurance. I was in dyer straights and was
told that MassHealth would no longer cover dental items like this.
I had come to Springfield to try and gain employment and had found
I did not have the skills needed in today's job market. I became
homeless and was soon sent to he dental service provided
for such. This meant I normally would wait about 40 days for an
appointment and then be scheduled for a cleaning in
another 40 days or so and then in a third 40 day period they would
examine me. Normally at that third time I would be told that the
teeth had deteriorated so badly that there was nothing that was
allowed to be done but extraction.
I tried to
put this off as long as I could and have been chewing on stubs
for teeth for months now. But on Thursday the 26th of September
I could hide t he pain no longer. A coworker helped me with the
money that the state would not pay for so I could see a dentist
who sent me to an oral surgeon. I was then booked for an emergency
hospital stay where my teeth would be extracted. All would be
taken out on the upper jaw and the lower jaw only 6 would be left
in. October 1st that co-worker drove me to the hospital as she
had to the doctors offices. I was kind of lonely having no living
family nearby. She stayed with me until I started to be wheeled
into out of the preparation area and into the operating room.
I want to say things but they injected a drug into the iv in my
veins and I waved good-bye and then drifted off into NA-NA land.
I awoke about
4 hours or so after the surgery and was wheeled into a hospital