The front or “Living” room and its debris.

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This is a look at the so called living room from the kitchenette and bedroom entrance area. This front room has two windows facing the street and a side window. Another wall has a couch and that is it. You can see an overturned chair, the air conditioner, a step stool, fan, liquid radiant electric heater, bookstand, and trash, trash, trash. But now think of what it could be. You can see where the small wire bookcase is then you could put in the regular book cases. I want cafe curtains on this also 2/3 of the way up with louvers and room darkening shades or blinds. Look at the afternoon sun shining in and giving a warm glow to things. You see the rattan clock that would go back on the wall. This could be a nice place. I want to put a rolling door (pocket door) behind the bookcase in back of the couch so the front room can be closed off some.