June 12, Saturday, AD 2004 Update this website again
All things
changed, will be in Berkshire with a friend who is in trouble.
the new schedual for this Summer..
I will be in Boston a good deal of the time in the later part
of June and then in the Berkshires a lot in July.
May 15,
Saturday, AD 2004 Trying to update this website again
is an attempt to change this website and I hope it works.
it does, I will try and update this section again.
Going to try and get to the World's Largest Pancake Breakfast
in Springfield, MA in about 30 min..
24, Saturday, AD 2004 Trying to update this website
I have
tired to update this website repatedly from college and from home.
(Even T-1 lines have been used)
This is
an attempt to update it again. I have been forced to open other
websites. Do dontact me at
or CKjohn316@juno.com or Springfield_Charlie@yahoo.com and ask
for those urls.
Thanks, Charlie [home phone of (413) 732-7077, at work in the
college bookstore, (413) 734-5437]
1, Monday, AD 2004 Trying to update this website ....
this is an attempt
to change this website form college.
24, Saturday, AD 2004 Trying to update this website ....
I have tired
to update this website repatedly from college and from home. (Even T-1
lines have been used)
This is an
attempt to update it again. I have been forced to open other websites.
Do dontact me at
or CKjohn316@juno.com or Springfield_Charlie@yahoo.com and ask for those
Thanks, Charlie [home phone of (413) 732-7077, at work in the college
bookstore, (413) 734-5437]
It looks like
I can upload something today, so I will do so while I can. I should be
packing things but it is so very cold. Check the college CampusCam
for the most current images and temperature, weather links, etc.
I was so surprised
on Wednesday night (when I emailed a vietnamese lady I know - whom I bought
a bit faster computer from - wishing her a happy new year. Chinese and
Vietnamise celebrate the New Year on Jan 22, it is now the year of the
Monkey. A Bhudist thing I believe). At any rate I was surprised to find
out that I HAD received a stipend after all. It somehow opened up and the
honor is that I am only one of 6 community college students to be so honored
statewide. Sooooooooooo when Friday I checked the e-mail at 12:30am after
a very busy day of books coming in, I thought they wanted me in Boston
for an interview and orientation session right away. This was at 12:30pm.
By 12:45pm I was on my way to the interstate bus (Peter Pan) and off to
Boston. I had bought an additional book to read for my C++ class. I read
some and slept some and then rushed up to the Capitol Building where I
was held up in the entrance search as I had the bookstore boxknife on me,
I had rushed out so fast I had forgotten that I had it with me.
I saw the lady,
Peggy Toomey, and found out that she had said a Friday in February would
be good. I had only seen the e-mail for a moment and then it was needed
for a bookstore buyback so I had to send a note saying I was coming and
shut down in about 5 min. The long and the short of it is that I have had
the orientation interview and now all I need to do is to tell her about
2 weeks before I can work and they will get a listing together and then
I would go and meet with the legislators and a matche made. It looks like
will need to make about 12-16 or more round trips to Boston for this and
the cost is $40 per round trip as so today. Hence the tranasporation, unless
I find something else will cost abou $ $650. But that is a small price
to pay to be able to serve the people of my state and maybe help to make
information available to so our legislator's make wise decisions at Budget
time, which is when I understand I would be serving if I am there in April-May.,
I am so happy
about this. I should be packikng things up today, but I am so cold and
in a few moment s I need to be staring out to take the bus to Agawam where
I am to serve as Lay Eucharistic Minister at Saint David's Episcopal Church.
Last Sunday I was also elected as the Deanery representative from Saint
I will write
again, Lord willing, in Febrary. Next weekend I am off to Norwalk to read
and judge Phi Theta Kappa Essays for the Middle States Region while they
read ours.
January 18,
AD 2004 What a week....
I have gone
to Boston to help in the degrees and have just been told that I will get
to be an intern at the State House after all. They still want to see me,
even though I might not have the Massachusetts Community College Council
Union stipend to help with travel expenses. I did go to Boston and went
over to Friendship Lodge in Belmont after staying at Woods Mullen shelter
at night Friday night. I helped with the 1st and 3rd Degrees. It was such
a joy. I also got a ride back with Mike Beauleu from Amherst, and he was
just elected Grand Warden which is an office in the Statewide Lodge, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows. I was so tired Sunday and I stay in bed most of Monday
so I am not sick Tuesday when we go back to work. I was so proud of my
work crew and especially Andrea that learned what to do and did the work
so well. I could comfortably leave early Friday at 1:30 knowing that a
good job would be done.
December 25,
Day, AD 2003 Helping and hurting and helped....
I have been
so blessed. As I said, I could not access the Tripod site and was forced
to establish a site at netfirms
to display pictures from a caroling
event and also to test a website for the lodge
(but the lodge site is in "limbo" right now). You will need to scroll down,
but also check the link about our Christian Fellowship Advisor, as he was
quite ill and I have not heard of anything since that last communication
about a meeting in Boston with a Neuro Suregon. Speaking of Surgery. My
double Hernia operation with some exploratory work will be performed later.
It ws to be the end of January, but now it looks like the end of February
or Mid March. I have applied for an internship in Boston in the Spring.
I helped with the community based Holiday
Meals put on by Open Pantry that was moved to Commerce High School
this Christmas Day. The task I had was to stay out of the way in a back
hallway and make certain that I did not allow people using the toilet facilities
go down the wron hallway. I helped that day and the next to clean up and
the sad part was when a couple that that worked so hard were walkng back
to thier car and a guy on a bicycle came by and smashed thier rear side
sindow out and stoled a blanket. We give out blankets and sleeping bags
at Open Pantry, but this man wanted to steal. It made me so sad. Open
Pantry had redesigned its website and I ask you to tak a look at it.
It is an improvement, but is still seemes to have been created by a Microsoft
product, so don't expect to much from the design standpoint and it is probably
not 508 compatable. I had the interview about the legislative internship
and it looks like I might not get it due to the double hernia operation
now schedualed for the end of January.
I am back at
work and I did have to withdraw from the Java class. That means my only
hope to try and finally graduate will be to take Java again, or to take
with Lillian Beauchemin in the daytime. I think I will optfor the later
as she knows of my extreem dificulties with Narcolepsy. I am trying to
"hold on" until my Phi Theta Kappa Regional Officer's term is over with.
The chest pains, moving of pain from heat to arms and hands, the breathing
problems and the hernia pain make every day difficult. The Arthritus is
much worse and I looik forward to going back to the family home this summer
just to listen to the birds and smell the good air and not hve to be concerned
with what others think about what I wear or say or do. I miss home!
November 30,
AD 2003 The end of November....
I have had quite
a time and it looks like I will need to withdraw from my evening Java class.
I have to spend every moment at the bookstore that I can to earn the money
to pay rent and college costs. They could not find heart attack proof with
the tests they took, so I have gone to see a therapist. That was a waste
of time. All she wants to do is have drugs ordered and have me buy the
drugs through them. I had asked for the reason why I chad collected so
much stuff. I was left to sort all of that out myself.
But the fighting
over whether or not to take drugs and hence no longer be in control of
my own decisions continues. I believe I will just "walk away" from this
whole experience at the end of the year. I understand what is said in class
on Tuesday night, but after the Wednesday afternoon therapist "session"
I am so concerned they will make me take drugs, be not in control of my
thinking processes, and sign stuff I don't want to that I am all worked
up and just can't seem to concentrate on studies. This "therapist" thing
is the worst thing I have ever done and I just don't have the confidence
and strength to try and get her to see the reality of faith that I know
of. I reject the "me-centered" thinking that she is trying to ram down
my throat. It is sad, but perhaps much of secular social service "professionals"
have NO Idea of what a person of faith believes.
I did contact
the Rescue Mission and obtain a listing of Faith Based counselors, if that
might be needed. In reality all that I think is needed is some rest from
this constant push to be active in earning the money to just have a roof
over my head. Maybe the course of study in college is not the right direction
for me to go in
I helped with
the Holiday Meals at the Putnam High School for Thanksgiving and then went
and was part of the Phi Theta Kappa participation in the Parad of the Big
Balloons in Springfield.
I have tried to type this as an "update" as I was not able to access
tripod correctly for at least 10 weeks.
Next up is a
short recap of December.
November 09,
AD 2003 My Birthday....
I was up to
South Porland Maine for a Phi Theta Kappa Advisory Board and Regional Officers
combined meeting. The new Regional Director is Deb Fielding, from the community
college there. Thanks to Judy King, our previous Regional Coordinator,
for all her encouragement that gave the hope for all of our officers and
chapters to succeed as they did. We understand that Judy, a cancer surviror,
is now teaching three very demanding courses at her college and we wish
her well.
I have enjoyed
the Orthodoxy 101 seminars at the Greek Orthodox Church in Springfield
and found many interesteing things on the Greek
Archdiocese of America website. So when I did not get the ride back
from the meeting in Maine a lady insisted on taking me home to New Hampshire
and then bringing me back down to Boston the next moring to moring prayer
and Divine Liturgy at the chapel at Holy Cross Seminary in Brooklne, MA.
Oh I had such a good time there on my Birthday. I then went to a Korean
worship service at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in Boston and then took
the bus back to Springfield. I also enjoyed the Christmas retreate that
was held with Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos,
director of education at the Holy Cross Seminary, when he came to St. George's
Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Springfield, MA. He also directs a program
called the Internet School of Orthodox Studies (ISOS) and the internet
classroom (this is a telecast in streaming video) is found at http://www.isos.goarch.org
with more information at http://www.goarch.org/en/multimedia/live/isos/.
The classes are taught on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm, EST, in a classroom
on the campus of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and the
telephone contact information is 1-800-566-1088. They, I am told, even
have archived issues of past programs.
November 04,
AD 2003 Still sick, not in college or at work again....
I felt better
last night and was able to go to my Installation as Warden of Springfield
Lodge # 235, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Amherst Lodge and Distrifct
Deputey Grand Master Sam White and his suite (all from that Lodge) did
a fine job. I was taken home and was so hyappy to get to bed. I started
out feeling better, but maybe going out for those 3 hours was not the best
idea. I awoke dizzy but a little better due to the medicines. I have told
foks I will not be in college today, but maybe (if I drink fluides and
rest enough today) I might be able to go to my eveing class in the computer
language "Java", and then back to bed. I hope to get to the Tutor Training
Wednesday, but maybe not to work in the moring. I hope to be able to work
a full day Thursday and Friday I am out as I am to be at an Honors Study
Day and then a Phi Theta Kappa Regional Officers Meeting Saturday. I am
PRAYING that NO ONE I know gets this thing. It is NO FUN !!!!! The next
posting will probably be next Monday.
November 03,
AD 2003 So sick, on my installation night.
I awaken today
sicker than before I did not go to college. I did not go to work. I tired
and finally got into the clinic, and they said they would call back. Now
it is almost 3pm and no call. I was not anxious to go to the clinic as
it is usually about a 5 hour wait, and often then they say to go home and
drink liquids and thta I should not have gone out to go to the clinic.
I am to be installed as Warden in Lodge # 235 at Berkshire Avenue tonight.
I want to save up the strength so I can go. It is a fairly nice day so
I could even bicycle I guess. I have this phlegm and a headache and hot
sweats and then cold chills. I have spend most of my time in bed today.
I am trying to work on a take-home exam and even that has been difficult.
Even e-mail is tiring. I am finishing this, but I don't know if I will
be able to upload it well. I feel so ill. I was losing my voice on Thursday
but the Phi Theta Kappa Induction went off well. Diane Hutchins, Regional
President, made the trip (3.5 hours each way) from Upper New Hampshire
to be with us. Friday I was at work but useless. Wesley got his car running
and came down and I gave him the keys I had for him. He droe me around
so I got some shoes for my part in installation of Ware Lodge on Wednesday
and Amity Lodge next wednesday. Then
Saturday I went to the Rescue Mission for Breakfast and then back home
and stayed there and rested until 4pm and bicycled over to Church. I got
a ride back and on Sunday went to St. Georges and then back home and to
bed. That has been my life, in bed - I did not ever eat at the Soup Kitchen
or do any shoping. I wonder about what I can do if I get so sick so easily.
October 22,
AD 2003 So tired, and it is only 6am.
I awake most
days so tired, I just wonder if I can remember one day in the past few
months, or even years, that I have awoken refreshed. Last night I typed
out a paper and gave it to my instructor of the Java class. He is a GREAT
instructor and I am learning much, but with the pressures at me right now
I can't seem to do the homework and even some of the readings. I just need
to work and then get home and go to bed. Often there is not the energy
to go to a meal. I have often bought a pound of cheese and had a few slices
of that and a spoonful of peanut butter a couple times during the night
and called that supper as I tired to rest so I could work the next day.
Studying is just about out of the question. I have NO assitance for while
I am trying to complete these studies. I fear my cum will be plumetting
and I will be ejected from Phi Theta Kappa for not being able to keep up
my grade point average. I bend over and get really dizzy and often can
not walk without some sort of assistance. No test the doctors have done
has shown anything yet. I go to see a therapist today and she wants to
know something good about me. Right now I don't feel like there is much
of anything “good” about me. I was given a tuxeo to wear for the installations
where I have been asked to be on a District Deputy's Installing Suite for
th Independent Order of Odd Fellows. An honor, but I need to get it altered
by Monday. Tomorrow I should go to tutoring, class, Computer Club meeting,
get the teeth, attend and help at a children's halloween party and go to
the Agawam Encampment meeting. As we all know, charlie does nothing down
here but “be a leach on society”.
October 14,
AD 2003 So tired, so much thrown out. .!!
I awoke so tired,I
have thrown out about 55 boxes of belongings. I had to miss time at work
as I could not get the bus in. I got to college late for my Java Class,
which I am not doing well in. There are so many pressures on me right now
that I don't seem to be doing well.. Later I plan to return home and go
at the homework again. Please pray for me as I seek God's direction and
attempt to finish college work towards a Web
Programing Assoicates Degree, however I am beginning now to wonder
if I can ever finish that degree.
October 05,
AD 2003 Awoke tired, and at 7am.!!
I awoke so tired,
but got to the computer and sent a web based request to acomdata about
the 120GB Hard Drive I bought yesterday asking if I can use it on my iMacDV400
runing OS8.6 or not. Then I went to writing this page. In about an hour
or so I want to go to see his Eminence, Metropolitan
Methodios of Boston, MA as he comes to St.
George's Greek Orthodox Church
for a Pastoral Visit. I did not sign up for the dinner that will follow,
but the proceeds from thos ticket sales will go toward the purchase of
an icon for the new iconostasion at the chapel at the Camp and Retreat
Cener in New Hampshire. His Eminence is also busy seekng funds to build
a new lodge on the grounds of the Retreat
Center. It is a big even when an overseer of the church come to town,
and in this case I want to be present to see if there is any special change
in the way things are done. It is now almost 7:30, I want to bring a book
and be at that cathedral church by about 8:30am so I can get a seat and
be blessed fully by what I see. I think the church will be crowded. Later
I plan to return home and go at the homework again. Please pray for me
as I seek God's direction and attempt to finish college work towards a
Programing Assoicates Degree.
October 04,
AD 2003 Still so tired, rested most of the day, then bought a drive!!
I should have
done more, but I was so tired I could not even get up to the college to
use the labs. I rested all day (except for Breakfast at the Rescue Mission
where I saw the dirctor and chatted with him. I wonder if I could somehow
become a member of thier board of directors. I really like the work the
Rescue Mission does, andRon
Willoughby, thier Executive Director. As I said, this tiredness came
over me again and I spent most of the day in bed and at the computer searching
for a hard drive. Comp
USA seemed to have a deal in a 120GB
Hard Drive from acomdata. I took stuff from the web and put it in a
document and then printed
it out. I also made a letter
for the church(St. David's in Agawasm)and had a friend of mine look
at it who had been on the last search community. Then I put it in our Junior
Warden's mailbox. This was in response to the letter that had come form
the church asking if I was staying with St. David's after the decision
by the national church to accept an openly homosexual (better read hetrophobic)
bishop in New Hampshire. My letter said I would fulfill my duties throuh
the year. I can not promise much past then as I do not even know if I will
be in the Springfield area. Larry White, a consultant I trust, was in church
as we are sending our Saturday supply priest of the past many months to
a meeting in Texas, (Actually I think Larry is heading up the effort) to
address this issue of what is Biblically true and what we will and will
NOT accept from the bishops. In this case, I feel the church (meaning the
people of God) will NOT accept this decision that I feel is contrary to
scripture. This would be my last time serving with Fr. Dee Bright, and
I will miss this wonderful man of God. Larry brought me back to Springfield
and I was able to catch the PVTA bus to CompUSA near the Holyoke mall.
I bought the External Hard Drive but when I got it home it seemed to say
that I could not use it on my imacDV400 that is runing OS 8.6. While traveling
on my way to catch the bus I went to Barnes & Nobels and bought a QuicStart
book on Java2. I need all the help I can get in that class as well. It
is so hard for me to study these days. I ate a McDonald's cheesburger on
the way up to the mall. I ate two sandwiches at night and then passed out.
I am, it seems, so tired lately.
October 03,
AD 2003 So tired, it comes upon me all of a sudden!!
I should code
things, but I can't seem to do anything. Now we have heard that before
haven't we. But it is true. I bought a zip disk to put things on or at
least be able to download a few images on from this past summer, and right
now I don't know if I can do this. I will do some e-mail and try and type
the code I started working at when I went to the soup kitchen. It had been
a day that I had much trouble getting to work and also in standing up.
I was so dizzy, but the Therapist thinks she wants me to see a Psychiatrist
so he can order drugs for me. I don't want to just take "happy drugs" and
I fear that they are missing the point of why I went to them. Wes Carr
is trying to talk to me over Instant Messanger so I will talk with him
soon. I was talking with Diane Hutchins, our Phi Theta Kappa Regional President
just a few hours ago that way. She is in New Hampshire. I hope to go to
the Rescue Mission for Breakfast Saturday and then in the afternoon I need
to get to Saint David's where I will serve as Lay Eucharistic Minister
assiting Father Dee Bright. We get a new Priest in Charge the 18th of October.
October 02,
AD 2003 Helping a lady get internet access!!
I should have
been at the Student Activities center for a meeting, but I had thought
it was next Tuesday, and so I did not represent the Christian Fellowship
after all. I had wanted to be selected as "all-clubs liason", but that
was not to be. A friend Rick go that position and I am certain he will
do a great job. It was nice working with the lady and it reminded me of
how much I enjoyed being with a woman. She has two children and it was
a joy to interact with them when they came home from school. The woman
and I left for college and somone was staying with her children while she
was in school I hope the internet access through Juno we established will
be good for her. I did not get to work and my class time I got some help
from another student as the instructor was out. I hope the teacher is not
sick. o email me at Cknight4u@aol.com
or through my Juno account that I do not look at often at CKjohn316@juno.com.
After eating at the soup kitchen Steve Wine and brought some things back
to the Jefferson Street Women and Family shelter and then went to Amity
Lodge and helped go through mor stuff of Wesley's. We are trying to consolodate
stuff so we can get it at least back to my family's home in the Berkshires
as Wes is living in New York state right now, but who knows, he might try
and move back to Lee, MA I was so tired tonight that I coudl hardly sleep.
October 01,
AD 2003 So tired, an yet today is Therapy-Day!!
I should code
things, but I can't seem to do anything. I had so many narcoleptic episodes
and I can't do much these days, I am going to be so glad to see the Therapsit
today. I am having so much dificulty and the tests do not show any conclusive
heart propblems that I am now looking at my head. When I cam back from
U.Mass I found that I had been hoarding things. I immediately got in contact
with the folks at Open Door Social Services and they arrainged for me to
go to Community Services Institute and I will be seeing a Therapist called
Jackie. I saw her last week. I hate to admit this, but I mus try all avenews.
I can understand something in class, and then not understand it 30 min.
after the class has ended. I can read and understand a subject, and yet
the next day it seems I need to relearn it again. I am seeking whatever
help I can get. I am NOT willng to just quietly go to a rocking chair at
a "home", I have much more to do than that. I have
run out of clean clothes and no time to wash, so I will attempt to wear
the Phi Theta Kappa shirt and do laundry tonight. I will try and update
some of September. and then keep up this for current items. Do email me
at Cknight4u@aol.com I bought $20
worth of quarters with what I got today, but it looks like I will not be
using them right away, as I am to tired and such and it is to late to run
clothes. Maybe I can wash in the morning, or Saturday.