The front room from the side-lot window

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Look now at that clock rattan, the picture frame, the wood, table, see the door to the left that is the front entrance and the closet right behind it. The light or clock on the wall and in front of us the small bookcase and the window to the left. There is great possibilities for this small cottage. It could be a writer's dream. It would be good for a student. It is just a nice house that has been "let go". It is about the size of a trailer, but on a foundation with a square instead of a rectangular shape. Also some of the household items might date back over 50 years. I could see myself entertaining folks in this room. Why do I want so much to own and fix up this house? But I do! See the openings at the top of the doors, that is where we looked in with the camera before. I would probably line most of the walls with book cases.