Across the side lot towards the shed and back entryway.

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This view shows the electrical work I was speaking of, the shed, and the back spot that was put on. It gives a little bit more room for a small den and serves not only for an entrance (turning left as you enter the building and walking up some stairs) but also going straight down it goes down the cellar. Hence it serves as a "hatchway" to bring things down cellar. Notice the large fir trees and the shade in this home in the summer. The small windows in the back provide light as you go up into the kitchenette and can be opened for some cross ventilation of sorts. There is a small dividing wall just in back of these windows. The back door needs some major work and also the sill. Note however, that as of August of 2001 the eaves trough and downspouts were still there. I think I would like a little more substantial covering over the back door so you did not get rained on while attempting to unlock the door. Right after this outward swinging door there is an inward swinging door. This place sort of looks like a one person home. I have just about given up on becoming a married fellow, but I do think two people could live here, and it could be expanded (there is room on the lot to do so) in the future.