This is the web page to be created as an assignment for PROG-322 at
Springfield Technical Community College's School of Continuing Education.

Datatel course numbers are listed first. Old course numbers are in parentheses. Course Descriptions reflect the STCC 2000-2002 Catalog .

Enter a course number to retrieve its description:  
(Enter Datatel Course Numbers with the dash. i.e. ENGL-100; use commas to separate multiple Course Numbers)

This is the foundation course for Computer Information Technologies students required to be knowledgeable about the Internet. The course is project-focused and will include significant Internet activities such as File Transfer Protocol, setting up and using e-mail, using discussion boards, developing web pages using various authoring resources, and searching the web for specific information and to prepare reports on the information found. PREREQUISITE: placement at ENGL-100 ; COREQUISITE: CMPA-103 or PROG-108 . Offered Fall and Spring Semesters

 You can search the STCC site here

STCC 35th Anniversary




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